December 5

Risk Reward Hormonal Response

My wife has been in New Zealand since last Thursday…

So I’ve been living the life of a bachelor for the last 7 days

And while I certainly do miss the sight of her pretty face.

I haven’t missed the bedroom action at all because we’ve
taken steps to keep the action alive.

We’re just using our minds instead of our bodies during this

Because we both know what happens when you stop the
mating behavior…

You dry up. Lose the horn factor. And your hormones.

But this mental game we’ve been playing has kept all these
hormones intact…

Because it’s novel, and dopamine loves shiny new things.

Especially if they’re slightly risky.

And dopamine spikes like these are very good things to have.

Because when dopamine rises, your T levels rise too…

And your stress hormones will always go down when this shift

This is the risk-reward hormonal response that happens anytime
you court a female…

Even if you already own the prize.

Because there’s always something unique and novel you can
do to light yourself up.

Something you can compete for. Something she may give you.
Or may not.

And remember…

Nothing will fire your testicles up faster than a little competition for
female attention…

Because your boys Love to compete. And they will Always rise to
the challenge when confronted with this task.

Your genes that have competed successfully for breeding rights for
thousands of years guarantee this will happen.

As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t be here now if your ancestors had
not gifted you some world class stuff….

Of the reproductive variety.

Never forget, you have this potency built right inside you.

So I suggest you use it every chance you get because your
masculinity depends on it.


My wife gets home in 4 days. Before she left I put a naughty
book in her bag….

Told her read it on the plane. Secretly pull in out in public

This has kept her dopamine fired up the entire trip…

Because I also mentioned I’d already read the book…

And there was something in there I was going to do to her
when she got home.

She’s been making guesses via text, but still hasn’t gotten it right.

This has been good from a dopamine perspective because we’re
deeply involved in an active courtship ritual…

I’m the alpha male. She’s the coy female. And I’m zeroing in on
the prize.

This is the stuff your hormones were made for…

One on one engagement with a real woman. A woman you
can compete for…

Even if that competition only happens in your mind.

About the author 

Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson is an independent health researcher, fitness coach, author, and owner of several websites that teach men how maintain erections and boost testosterone levels naturally, without using steroids, drugs, or artificial hormones.

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