January 4

Testosterone and Iodine

This testosterone and iodine email came in last week….

Hi Mark,

I received my blood test after using the iodine painting program
for 3 months.

My Total Testosterone went from 489 to 683. I am working
now to get it over 800.

Needless to say that my Naturopathic doctor was amazed on
how the painting program worked.

Thank you,

There are a few things in Roger’s email that stood out to me.

-He’s committed, because he painted for 3 solid months.

-He’s closely monitoring his progress, which is always a good idea.

-And most importantly, he has the goal of reaching 800 in total testosterone.

So he’s bound to win.

Because a well made plan to reverse an iodine deficiency, that is actually Executed cause wins like these to happen.

Here’s how it works…

You make the decision, take action, tweak when necessary, and stay with it
through the highs and lows.

Any man who does this will start seeing a lot more wins in his life.

Sure, there will be road blocks, and a bad day here and there…

But the good days will out number the bad days by a lounge shot.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Roger is going to hit that magic
800 number…

Because he’s following a formula that Always works…

Smart Decision Making – Action – Adjustment – Commitment.

You could call this concoction Formula 800. And it works every time.

Learn More About Testicle Iodine Painting Here

About the author 

Mark Wilson

Mark Wilson is an independent health researcher, fitness coach, author, and owner of several websites that teach men how maintain erections and boost testosterone levels naturally, without using steroids, drugs, or artificial hormones.

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